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Shape Lab

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    Informal Measurement

    Foundation year, Year 1, Year 2 (US: Kindergarten, Grade 1)

    Students are presented with a series of pairs of lines or shapes, presented in varying contexts and rotations. Students guess which is longer (or, as an example, in the case of a circle, which has a larger diameter), and then compare each using a third object (a shape edge or a line).

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    Making a Circle from Squares

    Year 1 (US: Kindergarten)

    Students explore the properties of circles and squares by trying to make a circle out of squares.

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    Exploring Triangles

    Year 2 (US: Kindergarten, Grade 1)

    Students explore the properties of triangles to determine the critical and non-critical attributes.

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    Introduction to Measuring Length

    Year 3 (US: Grade 1)

    Students explore the concept of standard units of measurement by solving a simple perimeter problem.

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    Grids and Position Language

    Year 3, Year 4 (US: Kindergarten)

    Students use maps drawn on a grid to explore position concepts. In pairs, they take turns to create a series of instructions that lead their partner to a chosen location on the map.

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    Angles and Classification

    Year 3 (US: Grade 4)

    Students investigate the concept of angles, recognising them as a measure of rotation, and explore the different types of angles.

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    Exploring Angles

    Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 (US: Grade 4)

    Students learn what an angle is and how to measure and classify them. They also explore the internal angles of various shapes, determining what types of angles make up specific regular shapes.

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    Composing Hexagons

    Year 4 (US: Kindergarten, Grade 1)

    Students combine shapes to devise multiple different ways to compose a regular hexagon.

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    Making Composite Shapes

    Year 4, Year 5, Year 6 (US: Grade 4, Grade 8)

    Students use van Hiele’s 7-piece puzzle to experiment with flipping, sliding and rotating. They use these to explore the characteristics of 2D shapes, including creating composite shapes and exploring how they relate to each other (similarity, congruence, equality in side length, angles and area).

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    Year 5 (US: Grade 7)

    Students use scaling to reproduce a picture.

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    Finding the Area of a Triangle

    Year 7 (US: Grade 6)

    Students investigate and devise a formula for the area of a triangle.

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    Interior Angle Sums

    Year 7 (US: Grade 8)

    Students investigate the sum of the interior angles of triangles and use what they discover to determine the sum of the interior angles of quadrilaterals.